Experience with Javascript

20 Jan 2021

I’ve programmed with C/C++ and Java in my years of studying computer science. It was exciting learning JavaScript, because it was a popular language for web development. I want to be a front end developer and was looking forward to learning this language.

One thing I learned about JavaScript is the flexibility of the language. The language doesn’t need to specified the primitive type. I can assign variables using “let”. In other languages like C++ and Java, I need to specified if the type is a string, number etc.. Due to the creation of the language is in the recent years, it has functions that are more user friendly that makes it easier to code. Function such as “shift” and “hasOwnProperty” are so convenient. I liked “shift” “unshift” allows me to access the array more easily. Another property I like Javascript is that the functions are first class. Being able to assign variable to be functions or assign one function to function is much more flexible than older languages. The rules and restriction from older languages is an disadvantage that slows down the programming process. The way JavaScript is invented reflects how programming languages has evolve over the years, this modern language enable users to be more creative and to code more efficiently.

My experience with JavaScipt also includes the practice WOD in class, which is a new experience that I never encounter in class. My previous experience with coding was not timed, I was able to write my code without needing to watch over the clock. The WOD was stressful at first because knowing I only have a limited time to solve a problem made me nervous. Another side effect is that knowing I have limited time caused my brain to run in a faster pace. As I reflect on my performance in the two WOD, I felt that I wasn’t being the most efficient with my time when I coded in the past. I see WOD as an opportunity to train me to think at a faster rate when solving coding challenger.